var mobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var scale = parseFloat(rgg_params[0].scale) || 1.0; var intime = parseFloat(rgg_params[0].intime) || 100; var outtime = parseFloat(rgg_params[0].outtime) || 100; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if(!mobile) { if (jQuery().colorbox) { jQuery('.rgg_imagegrid a').colorbox(); } // create copies from the images as placeholders to be used by imagegrid jQuery('.rgg_imagegrid img').each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this); var offset = $this.position(); $this.clone().addClass('bbg_placeholder').css({ visibility : 'hidden' }).appendTo($this.parent()); $this.css({ left:offset.left,, position: 'absolute', 'max-width' : 'none' }).addClass('bbg_img'); }); jQuery('.rgg_imagegrid').each(function() { $this = jQuery(this); var id = parseInt($this.attr('rgg_id')); var p = rgg_params[id-1]; p.scale = parseFloat(p.scale) || 1.0; jQuery('.bbg_img', this).each(function() { // TODO: save all calculated values in array, each time the window is resized. }); jQuery('.bbg_img', this).mouseenter(function() { var $clone = jQuery(this); var $placeholder = $clone.siblings('.bbg_placeholder').eq(0); $clone.unbind('mouseleave'); var width = $placeholder.width(); var height = $placeholder.height(); var offset = $placeholder.position(); var newwidth = width*p.scale; var newheight = height*p.scale; var newoffset = { top: - (newheight-height)/2, left: offset.left - (newwidth-width)/2 }; var zindex = $clone.css('z-index'); var newzindex = 999; var prev_box_shadow = $clone.css('box-shadow'); $clone.css({'z-index': newzindex, 'box-shadow' : '0px 0px 4px #000'}); $clone.animate({ left: newoffset.left, top:, height: newheight, width: newwidth },p.intime); $clone.mouseleave(function() { $clone.css({'z-index': zindex, 'box-shadow' : prev_box_shadow}); $clone.animate({left: offset.left, top:, height: height, width: width, 'z-index' : zindex},p.outtime); $clone.unbind('mouseleave'); }); }); }); } else { // if mobile jQuery('.rgg_imagegrid img').addClass('bbg_placeholder'); } jQuery('.rgg_imagegrid').each(function() { $this = jQuery(this); var id = parseInt($this.attr('rgg_id')); var p = rgg_params[id-1]; $this.gallerygrid({ 'maxrowheight' : parseInt(p.maxrowheight) || 20, 'margin' : parseInt(p.margin) || 0, 'items' : '.bbg_placeholder', 'after_init' : function() { }, 'before' : function() { }, 'after' : function() { if (!mobile) { jQuery('.bbg_placeholder').each(function() { // update position of the absolute clones based on their sibling placeholder $placeholder = jQuery(this); $clone = $placeholder.siblings('.bbg_img').eq(0); var offset = $placeholder.position(); $clone.css({ left:offset.left,, position: 'absolute', width: $placeholder.width(), height: $placeholder.height() }).addClass('bbg_image'); }); } } }); }); });